Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pruned by Jeremiah...

I've been making my way through Jeremiah, and wrote out this prayer after feeling very pruned by the Sword...

My God, I return to you.
There is no God like you, who is mighty in everything You put Your hands to. Whose delight is in kindness, justice, righteousness, obedience and humility. You, the Maker of heaven and earth...You desire my whole heart. My circumcised heart.
Let me not become worthless.
Nor dig my cisterns of self-sufficiency.
I do not wish to return to You in mere pretense.
Please put Your fear in me, that I may always tremble in awe of You.
Circumcise me.
My gods are worthless, and so I become worthless.
My attempts of anything good are worthless without You.
I do not have wisdom, strength, riches, or anything to boast about. I am naked and unguarded. My foolishness and selfishness are exposed. My God, clothe me in the the boast of knowing You. Just knowing and understanding You. Cover me in Your wisdom, strength and riches.
I desire You, and every other pursuit falls to the ground in emptyness.
I desire you, Abba.
I desire you in truth.

1 comment:

El Gato Limon said...

W.O.W. What Overwhelming Wisdom!

My favorite lines were..."don't let me dig cisterns of self-sufficiency" and "clothe me with the boast of knowing You".

I'm glad to see that you are writing again. I've spotted another blog on your other site that I'm heading over to now.

Also, when your 'musings' page loaded I had to highlight the text in order for it to show up. Was that intentional?

As always, I enjoy hearing from your heart. Keep it up.