"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you..."
2 Peter 3:8-9
I wonder what a whole day is to the Lord in detail. It's amazing what a whole day is to me...critical in the course of my life, but here and gone and forgotten by the next one. I was thinking today....I don't remember what I did last Friday. Don't remember a single solitary thing.
But it was important, I know. :-)
Following the lovely M. Blackwell's lead (by the way, I totally claim Gertie!), I'm going to post something I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for everyday. This week has shown me how the days are so unpredictable...when your feet hit the floor when you climb out of bed, you don't know what "mood" this day is going to have. Yet, I tend to see the woe before the gracious.
I'm thankful for the everyday. The mundane. The things I cannot change. I'm thankful for them. Because I'm here in their midst for a reason, and pray with all my heart that I grow in them for the better.
So I'm thanking my Father for them, and it's like a walk against the grain. Like spitting in the face of what is tearing you down, and finding the courage to pick yourself up again. Thank Him for what you're overcoming. :-) It's there, and He's here with me...that makes the everyday so much more bearable.
(Thank you, Mary for a better word!)
Aren't they just adorable? Mary is staying the weekend with us, and she and Jaelyn are just so photogenic. :-) I pray your Friday revealed so much to be thankful for--and in everything you find a reason to say thanks for, it's just more proof of His love for you.
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