Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Something for a Happy Upcoming Monday...

Jack & Josh: Quoting Phineas & Ferb (with Jaelyn throwing the ball)

Introducing the first episode of Jack & Josh--two characters (no overstatement) who inhabit the space under the same roof as I. My sister Jacklyn (10) and brother Joshua (9) were sitting in the kitchen tonight cracking me up with their ongoing laughs and random movie quotes. So hopefully, tune in to Jack & Josh every Monday morning STFIJT (Central Standard Faith-In-Jen Time)! With these two, there's bound to be a video/picture(s) once a week--prayerfully to brighten one's Monday. :-)

Blessings for your weekend--will report back here on Monday to post pre-vacation entry and packing progress!
Love, Jen


Anonymous said...

LOL! Loved it! Thanks for brightening my day girl. Two days! Two days! Two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LeAnna said...

That was hilarious! I can't wait to see more of it!!! :P

Em said...

hahahaha!! that was great!!!

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious! I look forward to more of them! :) I love Jacklyn's haircut. So adorable the both of them!

LeAnna said...

Love the new look, now you can fiddle with your font colors and change them any way you like!