Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not near as interesting as LeAnna's...lol, but this is what she gets for tagging me!

What I was doing ten years ago: 1998...

1. I got a TalkGirl recorder for my birthday and recorded everyone singing, interviewing, snoring, etc.
2. Created and joined countless clubs (with handbooks and handshakes!)with our cousins, that always ended up being soap opera ordeals.
3. Wishing I was a teenager so much I thought I should die.
4. I didn't have many friends.
5. Thinking about starting a newsletter...(friends to follow :p)

5 things on my to-do list today

1. Go shopping, productively. :-)
2. Read three chapters in Foxe's Book of Martyrs
3. Find a graduation outfit for my sister.
4. Read the book of Revelation.
5. Eat and spend at little as possible!

5 snacks I enjoy

1. Pilsbury brownies with peanut butter.
2. Peanut butter pie.
3. A loaded salad...no joke!
4. Rotel and fritos
5. Anything wrapped in a homemade tortilla.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: in no particular order! (I liked LeAnna's!)

1. LOL--I HAd to figure it out: Tithe a tenth, $100,000,000, to the Lord. :-)
2. Buy my brother the Camaro he's been dreaming about.
3. Buy my Mom and Dad a home makeover...complete with warehouse and four washers/dryers!
4. Give to ministry/missions/widows-orphans-poor.
5. And buy myself a Portrait Studio.

5 bad habits

1. Procrastination.
2. Putting things where they don't belong.
3. Losing important things.
4. Refraining from spending on expensive things...but buying lots of inexpensive ones!
5. Intimidation.

5 places I've lived

1. San Antonio, Texas
2. Downtown DuQuoin, IL
3. Pinckneyville, IL
4. Rural Pinckneyville, IL :-)
5. And now...in the middle of nowhere...IL. :-)

5 jobs I’ve had

1. Birthday Party Pony Rides Orgranizer/Planner
2. Church Nursery Worker
3. Photographer
4. Nature's 1st, Inc. Office Help
5. Big Sister. :-)

Okay....I tag Bekah and Sara! :-) :hugs:

1 comment:

LeAnna said...

I laughed and laughed at the Talk Girl one! HAHA, I remember making mixed tapes of me talking, or songs I liked and sending them to Jaime Robinson. Ahhh, flash back!!! :P I thought this was a great selection! Love ya girl!